RAM® Aqua Box® Pro 20 with RAM® Twist-Lock™ Low Profile Suction Mount

1.549 kr

The RAP-B-166-2-AQ7-2 consists of a 2.75″ twist lock suction cup base, double socket arm, diamond adapter base and large Aqua Box Pro 20 case. The suction cup, twist lock base is designed to have a strong hold on glass and non-porous plastic surfaces, including RAM adhesive disks. The mount is designed with a RAM 1″ diameter patented rubber ball and socket system that has adjustment points at both ends of the double socket arm; this allowing for almost infinite adjustment and perfect viewing angles. With the AQUA BOX Pro, you have access to side buttons and full use of the touchscreen. Weather resistant and splash proof, this unique patented design allows access to all side buttons on the phone while in the case. Are you one of those people that can be a little rough on things? Our PVC Vinyl screen is replaceable so if you start to lose that crystal clear appearance, weve got you coveredliterally. Allowing easy operation of the touch screen while in the case, the compact and sleek design means traveling with your AQUA BOX Pro is never a hassle. Think an enclosure will slow you down? Think again. Send text messages, listen to music, take photos or capture video, make calls all while protecting your phone.

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